

Jamie M. Carroll is a Sociologist who studies stratification, education, mental and physical health, political engagement, and adolescent development. Her work investigates the ways in which institutions stratify individual outcomes across the life course by empowering some and disengaging others. Her work has been published in Social Forces, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Psychological Science, The Journal of Higher Education, Sociological Perspectives, JAMA Open, and Social Science Research. She has also published work in The Huffington Post, EdWeek, and the Austin-American Statesman. Her dissertation, "Sustaining a Nonrepresentative Democracy: How Education Shapes Long-term Voting Patterns" was selected as a semifinalist for the National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship and was nominated for an Outstanding Dissertation Award at the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently the Associate Director for Research at the Education Research Alliance of New Orleans in the Department of Economics at Tulane University